Inquire for Pricing
✓ Multitrack or original project session (Logic, Ableton, Reaper)
✓ Mixed with high quality plug-ins and gear
✓ Studio or live performances accepted
✓ Master ready file
✓ Cohesive sound if doing multiple tracks
Inquire for Pricing
✓ Single, EP, or Album
✓ Stereo bounce or multitrack accepted
✓ Streaming ready file delivery
✓ Reference tracks can be provided
✓ High quality plug-ins and gear
(Inquire to see rates)
✓ Audio for Game, Fixed Media, and Sync
✓ Multiple genres
✓ Previous works available for licensing
✓ Contract preferred
Audio clean Up
Inquire for Pricing
✓ Dialogue, Live Audio, or any other recordings
✓ Variety of delivery formats
✓ Can contract for future works
PODCASt/Audiobook Editing
Inquire for Pricing
✓ Multitrack Preferred
✓ Any length
✓ Mastered for Distribution
✓ Sync to video available